In honor of American Heart Month and National Wear Red Day®, the staff and volunteers at the St. Louis Oasis office wore their favorite red outfits to show their support for heart health.
“Why Go Red? Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds. Fortunately, we have the power to change that because 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action.”
– The American Heart Association®
While the National Wear Red Day® campaign focuses on women’s heart health, it is important for everyone to keep their heart healthy. Life’s Simple 7 is a seven-step list designed by The American Heart Association to encourage improved health and wellness for everyone. St. Louis Oasis offers resources for many of the items on Life’s Simple 7 list, and supports older adults in their healthy aging journey. Click on the program titles below for more information and class listings.
Reducing or managing blood sugar is one of the Life’s Simple 7 steps to a healthier life; especially for individuals that are pre-diabetic or diabetic. St. Louis Oasis offers classes on how to manage the challenges of living with diabetes. From diet to exercise to creating a personal self-management plan, individuals can learn to live their healthiest life.
Managing blood pressure and stress is another step noted on the Life’s Simple 7 list. High stress levels and blood pressure can drastically affect heart health. Discover your stress stage, learn stress-less solutions and educate yourself on stress self-management in a St. Louis Oasis stress elimination program.
Staying active and engaging in regular physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your heart and overall health according to Life’s Simple 7! St. Louis Oasis provides fitness classes across the metro area, and for a variety of skill levels. When you join a class, you make friends and develop accountability for staying fit.
Healthy Habits for Adults (HHA) Programs
Nutrition is one of the foundations of health and wellness, and adopting better eating habits is a very important step on the Life’s Simple 7 list. HHA is a program that focuses on ten different nutrition topics for improving older adults’ diets. All classes are based on concepts from Tufts University MyPlate for Older Adults.
Healthy Habits for Adults (HHA) in St. Louis is sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation.